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President's Ponderings

Admonitions Regarding Our Walk

By August 5, 2013August 1st, 2019No Comments

I was blessed to be part of the Men’s Steak Fry and Game Dinner in Newark, OH, last Friday night and then spoke on Sunday.  It was a rich blessing to spend time with Pastor Paul Reimer, BCP Councilman.  He and his fine wife, Debbie, have done an exceptional job in both raising their four boys (who are all married and with children) and developing Baptist Bible Church of Newark as a mission-minded, growing church.  The church supports four BCP church planters.   

I also enjoyed getting to know Jack Kehl, member of our ChurchCare Board.  Jack and his friend, Thad, were a blessing to be with.   

I stayed in the Claggett guest house, noticing in the guest book that some of you have lodged there also.  Nice, quaint old house.   

Now for the meat of this memo!  During my devotions this morning, I was impressed with the three admonitions regarding our walk in Ephesians 5.  Feel free to share with your church family as I won’t be there to share this with them.  Hope it encourages your walk. 

Walk in Love– vs. 1-7

As a believer, I am to imitate God in my walk.   This walk will demonstrate God’s love.  This love is of course agape love, a self-sacrificing love without demands.   

In comparison to love is the wickedness of evil-

  • such as fornication and uncleanness (impurity of lustful, luxurious, profligate living. 1b1 of impure motives)
  • filthiness (obscenity); foolish talking; coarse jesting (scurrility- an offensively rude or abusive remark, or ribaldry-entertainment that ranges from bordering on indelicacy to gross indecency)
  • Twice it says these are not fitting
    • to the saints;
    • because the people that do such things are not saved people;
    • THUS, don’t imitate people that don’t know God. 

Conclusion: when we walk in love, we imitate Christ, but when we walk in sexual impurity and our talk is course, obscene or rude, we imitate the world that is headed for hell. 

Walk in Light– vs. 8-14

The walk of light is because the light has shined in our hearts.  Our former way was darkness, but now we are in the light “in the Lord.”  Some thoughts on darkness and light:

  • This is one of the first things we see in creation, “Let there be light.”  God doesn’t do anything in the darkness. 
  • There is nothing that illustrates contrast more than light and darkness.  God wants our lives to be a direct contrast to the darkness of this evil world.
  • This contrast is amplified in the darkness as we demonstrate the character of God by living a life of righteousness, goodness and truth- the fruit of the Spirit being lived out in our lives.
  • This light coming from God through the believer when shining bright will expose the darkness, and Paul admonishes us to use this opportunity to expose the evil of their way of life. 
  • The message is clear to those dead: “Christ will give you life and light.”

Walk in Wisdom– vs. 15-21

The word ‘circumspectly’ is foreign to modern thinking.  It means “exactly, accurately, diligently.”  This is a person who orders his steps, not wanders.  In what ways?

[1] Strong, J. (2001). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.
