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The Grove Study: A Call for Women to Grow in Godliness

By January 30, 2025February 20th, 2025No Comments

Are you ready to move beyond simply checking off boxes in your faith? Do you want to get serious and be inspired? Is it time to be part of something bigger than yourself? Are you ready to exercise yourself for godliness?

The Grove Study invites women to dive deep into personal spiritual growth and living intentionally for Christ in each God-given role. This isn’t a comfortable, feel-good study. It’s a 24 week journey that will challenge you to grow and become a leader in your faith, to obey the “one another” commands prescribed in the New Testament and to prioritize what really matters to God each day.

How Does The Grove Study Work?

A Grove study can launch in a church where the men have taken the Leadership Journey, the men’s discipleship equivalent.

Faith isn’t passive—and neither is the Grove Study. We meet for 90 minute sessions over the course of 24 weeks with an experienced coach. The best part is that while this study will push you beyond your comfort zone, you won’t feel alone.

What does a Grove Study look like?

  • Your journey together launches with a retreat where you’ll get to know other women in your class.
  • Each session begins with adoration and prayer. You will grow in recognizing God’s presence in your daily walk.
  • Each lesson includes a focus on the “one another” passages of the New Testament: love one another, encourage one another, serve one another, and more. These commands shape how we live in community, making the Grove Study not just applicable to 100% of women, but essential for anyone seeking a deeper relationship with Christ and others.
  • As you work through the book “Spiritual Disciplines” by Donald Whitney, you will learn practical steps to participate in disciplines like prayer, worship, and evangelism—not just for the sake of checking some spiritual box, but for the godliness that results.
  • You’ll begin with a study of your responsibility as a leader in each of your roles in life.
  • You’ll take a spiritual giftedness inventory to recognize your unique God-given gifts and be challenged to ask: Am I using these gifts to their fullest potential? Whether you’re leading a Bible study, serving at your church, or influencing those in your life, this study pushes you to consider if you’re intentionally investing in your roles.

Throughout our time together, we’ll talk about how the call to evangelize isn’t optional. Jesus’ command to go and make disciples starts with you being a disciple yourself, and extends out into you finding opportunities to make disciples in every sphere of your life.

Real Stories, Real Change

“I am finally becoming intentional.”

“I can see the Holy Spirit working through me!”

“I’ve always just done the bare minimum. I’m actually growing now.”

These are common refrains from women who have completed the Grove Study. The beauty of the course isn’t just in what’s being taught, but how it transforms lives.

Take Diana, for example. She’s an Uber driver who’s learning to adore God and see Him in the everyday moments of her life. When Diana’s car broke down, she went back into substitute teaching in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, where she ended up in a classroom of 30+ ninth-graders who spoke mostly Spanish.

When she first arrived at an empty classroom, she felt compelled to walk the aisles and pray for peace at each desk. She had never done anything like this before, but thanks to the encouragement she had been receiving in her Grove group, she decided to step into the opportunity.

One student came up to her during class and asked, “Do you go to church?” He went on to tell her that he had “felt peace” from the moment he walked into the room. 

And then there’s Tangela, a full-time nurse and department head who is passionate about discipleship. At church, a woman with several kids approached Tangela and asked her to mentor her—something she had been praying for. During their conversation at a restaurant, even the waitress cleaning a nearby table was drawn in, saying, “I would give anything to be at this table with you talking about God.”

This is what the Grove Study is all about—encouraging you to look for the people God has placed in your life and step boldly into your calling as women leaders.

Are You Ready?

The “Grove Study” name was inspired by passages like:

  • •  Psalm 1:3 – “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.”
  • and Isaiah 61:3 – “…that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.”

This study is designed for women who want to grow deep roots in their faith, witness to the world around them, and see real fruit in their lives.

Consider this your call to step forward, to be intentional, and to open your heart to growing in your faith, and relationally discipling other women.

Baptist Church Planters exists to help church leaders build healthy disciple-making churches. If you or your church need support or resources to love God and love others, please reach out to us today. We’d love to help.