36830 Royalton Road, Grafton, OH, 44044

JOY Club is the children’s arm of the BCP Youth Ministry. JOY Club began in 1951. It continues to be an effective, inexpensive and flexible program designed to reach young people inside and outside the church.
JOY Clubs can be found in over seventy locations in thirty states and Canada. Since its inception, JOY has been an acronym for Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last. The quality materials are affordable for churches and include Bible lessons with beautiful visuals and power points, songs, vests or banners, motivating awards, exciting missionary stories, activity sheets and more.

BCP Youth Ministry now offers Jr. and Sr. high level materials called Teen Expeditions. The four volumes are done and available for purchase! They are written with the same goals that we have for the primary grades. These key goals include a curriculum that is biblical, quality, inexpensive and flexible. These programs will provide teachers with tools for evangelism and discipleship for today’s teenager.
The word ‘expedition’ is defined as an extreme walk. When teachers see life as a spiritual journey, they desire to teach their youth about their own extreme walk of faith.