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Do godly elders embody your church’s leadership or has leadership become unqualified?

By September 20, 2024No Comments

The role of elders in a church is profound, extending far beyond a title or position. Elders are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of guiding, protecting, and nurturing the congregation.

As Paul writes in Acts 20:28, “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” This verse highlights the weight of the elder’s role, a role that requires both spiritual maturity and a deep commitment to the well-being of the church.

However, the question arises: Is your church being led by Godly elders who embody these qualities, or has it become a room full of unqualified individuals, lacking the necessary attributes to lead effectively?

The Danger of Unqualified Leadership

When a church is led by unqualified elders, it’s like a ship without a captain, adrift on a sea of uncertainty. Without spiritually mature leadership, there is a lack of accountability within the church’s operations. This can result in decisions being made without proper discernment and policies being implemented to please preferences instead of biblical principles.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14

Moreover, unqualified elders may struggle to delegate responsibilities effectively, leading to a bottleneck in church leadership that ultimately limits the effectiveness of the ministry. It’s akin to a garden left unattended—overgrowth and chaos eventually choke out the potential for fruitful ministry. This can overwhelm church leaders, impede ministry effectiveness, and cause spiritual stagnation within the congregation.

A Congregation Following Godly Leadership

In contrast, a church led by godly, qualified elders is one that thrives, much like a well-tended vineyard producing abundant fruit. These leaders, grounded in Scripture and committed to the well-being of the church, ensure that the congregation is nurtured and protected. As fellow leaders, they hold each other accountable, laying aside ulterior movies, and instead making sure that every decision and policy aligns with God’s Word.

Hebrews 13:17 is particularly instructive here, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.” 

A godly congregation will submit to their leadership, and that congregation ought to flourish if leaders are truly keeping watch over the holiness and spiritual growth of their members. Hebrews 13:17 underscores the seriousness of the elder’s role as a shepherd and guardian of the flock.

Revitalization and Planting for Strong Leadership

At BCP, we recognize the critical importance of having qualified, godly elders in every church. Our mission goes beyond planting new churches—we are also deeply committed to revitalizing existing congregations. We understand that many churches struggle due to a lack of strong, biblically sound leadership. That’s why we focus on equipping churches with the tools and training necessary to develop elders who are both spiritually mature and effective leaders and overseers.

Through programs like The Leadership Journey, we help churches identify and train elders who can lead with wisdom and integrity.

Next Steps

It is likely unsurprising to you to hear that the leadership of a church is pivotal to its spiritual health and growth. The presence of unqualified elders can lead to no shortage of issues, from simple inefficiency all the way up to complete moral failing.

On the other hand, godly, qualified elders can guide the church with wisdom, ensuring that it remains faithful to its mission. Ensuring this requires attention to elder selection and ongoing training to ensure the church is being led in a Godward direction.

Our encouragement to you would be to get the support you need to lead and equip your church leadership effectively.

That process starts with getting a partner.

Baptist Church Planters exists to help church leaders build healthy disciple-making churches. If you or your church need support or resources to love God and love others, please reach out to us today. We’d love to help.