Ministry Update
Steve and Kristen Wynn
Associate Church Revitalizers, Sherburne, NY
September 2024

Hello Prayer Partners!
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing… Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:2-4,12
In the midst of trials, how many times do we turn our eyes to God seated on His throne? You can seldom predict precisely when the next trial will come, although as a rule of thumb if you’re not currently in a trial, prepare your hearts – one is around the corner! It’s also difficult to know the type of trial we will face. Will it involve health problems? Finances? Conflict?
Our family recently walked through a trial. Kristen’s mom had a very serious, and potentially life-threatening, illness. This involved hospitalization and ultimately surgery. When we last wrote to you, we had no idea this trial was coming. I left the BCP council meetings early in order to get back home. Kristen and her sister both flew to Nashville to be with their parents. In the midst of this was a lot of anxiety, sleepless nights, and waiting.
Each trial, no matter how big or small, is under the sovereignty of God. What others mean for evil, God means for our good (Genesis 50:20). We know that for those called from death to life in Christ, all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). That good, as we see from James 1, is the producing of steadfastness or endurance in the faith. According to Romans 8:29, each trial makes us be “conformed to the image of his Son.” Each trial is an opportunity that God uses to make us more holy.
We took solace in the midst of the trial that no matter the outcome, He meant it for our good. For Kristen’s mom, to live is Christ and to die is gain. While in tremendous pain, she faithfully told the hospital staff about the hope she had in Christ. Many were praying for our family, including our partnering churches. God answered those prayers by turning a bleak diagnosis into a successful surgery, and then being discharged from the hospital. We rejoice that Kristen’s parents are home, together, and working through recovery steps. All indicators point to a miraculous outcome – one that only God could do.
If you’re in the midst of a trial, turn your eyes to God and see this trial through His loving eyes. This is an opportunity to be more like Christ. Bring to mind passages memorized, join in praising Him in song, dive deep into His Word, and invite others to pray with you. If even death cannot separate us from the love of God, then what do we have to fear? May we echo the words of the Apostle Paul, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!”
What’s in progress?
We are currently working with two churches who may move on from stage one and we may serve as their missionary pastor in some capacity.
The first church just completed the gathering information step (see image below) and have had initial evaluation results returned to them. Next, BCP representatives will meet with them to discuss the findings and seek to clarify anything incorrect. If they are in agreement with our conclusions and desire to move forward, we will schedule a revitalization weekend.
The second church is a little bit further in the process, but their needs are different. An assisted transition plan has been approved by their deacons and is now moving on to the church family. It will be presented this Sunday to the church body by their deacons and then voted on in two weeks. If all moves forward, we could begin ministering there in the next few weeks.
Potentially our next newsletter will include more specifics, including the names of the churches. Please join us in praying for these hurting churches!

J. and I were meeting with two pastors recently for lunch. One of the pastors brought up a humbling statistic – in our county, Chenango County in New York, there are only three Baptist churches with pastors. The need is great! We are reminded in times like these to pray as Jesus directed His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38). Please join us in praying for co-laborers. Join us in praying for the gospel to go forth in our communities and for disciples to be made. Consider ways you and your church can join in the harvest!

Homeschool and fall soccer are underway. Steve and J. went to the BCP council meetings in Grafton, Ohio. Faith Baptist Tabernacle had a baptism service in August for five members.
Praise & Prayer Request List
- Praise God that our financial needs are met through the generous support of our nine partnering churches, one business, and 58 families!
- Praise God that the school year is underway.
- Praise God for our new vehicle.
- Praise God for answering our prayers for Kristen’s mom.
Prayer Requests
- Wynn Family
- Pray for Steve and Kristen to be bold in proclaiming Christ, making disciples, and living above reproach.
- Pray for Kristen as she homeschools.
- Pray for London and Calvin to grow in their faith and be consistent in their devotions.
- Pray for London and Calvin to be diligent in their studies and that they will enjoy soccer.
- Wynn Missions
- Pray for Steve as he meets with pastors and church leaders, especially in regards to the two potential ministry churches.
- Faith Baptist Tabernacle: Pray for The Timothy Initiative as we seek our next candidate for our pastoral residency. You can learn more about this new initiative on FBT’s website:
- FBT: Pray for our teens to grow in the Word and for our new youth group praise band.
- Constantia Center Baptist Church: We continue to pray for God to provide their next pastor! If you know of a potential pastor, I encourage you to view and share CCBC’s pastoral portfolio (click here to view a PDF copy).
- CCBC: Pray for the church leaders to serve the church well and for the advisory committee to be an encouragement to them.
- CCBC: Pray for their guest speakers over the next few months (many of whom are FBT members).
- Local Churches: Pray for sister churches who are currently without a pastor, including Calvary Baptist Church in Norwich, Smyrna Baptist Church, and West Smyrna Baptist Church.
- September 15: Preaching at Smyrna Baptist Church
- September 22: Preaching at West Smyrna Baptist Church
- October 4-5: Joining Jon Jenks and Marty Basinger for a consultation weekend at First Baptist Church of Castle Creek, Binghamton
- October 12: Pastor Paul Brown Ordination Council, Glen Baptist Church, Watkins Glen
- October 13: Faith Baptist Tabernacle Vision Progress Update
- October 18: Faith Baptist Tabernacle Teen Event
- October 19: London’s 13th Birthday!
- October 20: Preaching at Smyrna Baptist Church
- October 21-22: NFIBC Fall Conference
- October 27: Preaching at Faith Baptist Tabernacle