David Whipple, Executive Director of ChurchCare
In my mind a story is worthy of a remark when we are praising God for what He is accomplishing. If we are just giving a report then “just the facts” are necessary. Tell me what has been accomplished. The back story is usually more interesting and revealing of how God uses our routine activities to bring glory to Himself.
ChurchCare missionary builders slogged through what should have been a relatively routine building project at First Baptist Church in Niles, Ohio this past summer and fall. I am not implying that First Baptist was a problem. From a construction process and management of time, ChurchCare was challenged. We all like to plan and schedule a project. Set markers and know when we will be completing portions of the job. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. If you have been part of a do it yourself project or a major construction project you have experienced the missing part, the broken tool, the lack of help, and the list goes on.
I will not list the frustrations caused by changes and/or corrections. The time lost waiting for approvals form authorities was excruciating. I do not want to even try and place blame or provide excuses. Many times during the project meetings the only thing we could say is “God is Sovereign” and He knows what is going on.
So what is remarkable about the past several months? What did God do?
- First Baptist Church in Niles has a completely remodeled first and second floor including new handicap accessible restrooms, a new nursery area, new foyer and welcome center and remodeled classrooms and offices.
- First Baptist also has a repainted activity building with a new handicap accessible entrance and exterior landscape upgrades.
- The builders were available to complete small projects at Baptist Church Planters office, and several local churches in the area.
- The ChurchCare/Baptist Church Planters team provided leadership and opportunity for two young men to participate in a short term missionary experience. This time of training and experience was of great value for both the interns and the mission. The time will make us more effective for the next time.
- God reshaped our plans and schedule to provide clear direction for phase two of the project at Niles. I am confident that phase two will move smoother.
The spiritual impact in the lives of our administration, missionaries, interns and church families was “remarkable”. God used this time to push me to a new level of trusting Him. I am somewhat of a “just do it” guy. God put me in my place and forced me to let Him receive the glory. We remember “run with patience the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1 but Romans 5:3 also reminds us that “tribulation worketh patience”. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ last=”yes” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_images picture_size=”auto” hover_type=”none” autoplay=”no” columns=”3″ column_spacing=”13″ scroll_items=”” show_nav=”yes” mouse_scroll=”no” border=”yes” lightbox=”yes” class=”” id=””][fusion_image link=”” linktarget=”_self” image=”https://bcpusa.org/wp-content/uploads/Page-3-Picture-8-1-300×224.jpg” alt=””/][fusion_image link=”” linktarget=”_self” image=”https://bcpusa.org/wp-content/uploads/Page-3-Picture-9-300×225.jpg” alt=””/][fusion_image link=”” linktarget=”_self” image=”https://bcpusa.org/wp-content/uploads/Page-3-Picture-10-225×300.jpg” alt=””/][/fusion_images][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]