Ministry Update
Brent and Michele Howard
ChurchCare Construction, Lincoln, NE
March 2024
Dear Family and Friends,
Spring is making an effort to kick winter to the curb early. Although we are loving every minute of it, we know that it is not really to be counted upon yet! It has helped us with get out to take some walks for exercise while enjoying creation.
A lot of effort has gone into the remodel project here at Temple Baptist Church in Lincoln, NE. God has provided help in various ways and we have been very grateful. Let me share about some that have made an effort to help out. 2 retired men from the church come regularly to make an effort to help with whatever project is currently in the works. 2 retired men and women come weekly to clean up and make an effort to prepare the building for the church services. 2 men that had lost their jobs immediately made the effort everyday to help at the church. Most of the people in this church have come to help in some way or another from the very young kids helping to carry debris from the demolition to the elderly helping with snacks, meals, and light tasks. 1 man off work due to cancer treatment makes an effort to come as much as he is able.

Recently the church hosted a work team from Cambridge, Iowa. There were 9 different guys that came for some part or all of 2 and a half days. The church put forth great effort to provide plenty of drinks, snacks, meals, and housing. The work team expended their efforts to demolish half of the basement under the older portion of the building. This area was divided into multiple small rooms and will be refurbished into 2 nice size rooms. It was such an encouragement to get all that accomplished in a short amount of time. This exhausting labor of love would have taken Brent and Jimmy many weeks to finish on their own.

Ryanne makes a great effort to keep us up to date with pictures of Marcus for which we are very grateful. She is also very willing to give us screen time with him which is also a joy. We enjoyed seeing Marcus playing peek-a-boo during one of our last chats and snapped this picture. Marcus is 7 1/2 months old and making an effort to learn to crawl even though he usually makes faster progress rolling or pushing himself backwards across the floor. Riley, Daniel, and Ryanne continue to do well in their jobs and faithfulness at church.

Speaking of effort, we are truly thankful for the effort you put in as you serve our Lord. Each one of us needs to be faithful to what He calls us to do. Praying, giving, serving, and going are all important efforts to put forth. We do not take you for granted, because of your efforts to pray and give we have been enabled by the Lord to go and serve. Likewise our prayers and giving enable others to go and serve as well. God’s plan from Colossians 3:23 is good. We must put forth our efforts for Him. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.
Please praise the Lord with us for His continued answered prayers for safety and provision for our support needs. Due to cost of living increases, we need to raise an additional $500 in support. Also be in prayer for us as we continue to plan our working sabbatical for 2025. Stay tuned to Facebook or future prayer letters for more info on how you can help!

Giving our efforts to churches for God’s glory!