Ministry Update
Brent and Michele Howard
ChurchCare Construction, Lincoln, NE
June 2024
Dear Family and Friends,
The work in Lincoln, Nebraska has continued to progress at a steady pace. Several volunteers from the church have given hundreds of man-hours, steadily day-by-day helping Brent and Jimmy. Each one has been a blessing in their own way: praying, giving toward, providing food and snacks, and working as the Lord has allowed. The steady persistent work has paid off with a couple of the areas being very near completion. Timothy Hall was completed in time for bridal showers, grad party, and a wedding reception, and Titus (teen area) was finished in time for a grad party & Vacation Bible School. Work is currently happening steadily in 2 Timothy and on the outside in preparation for the big elevator shaft and stairwell project.

Thank you to groups from Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin, Canton Ohio, and Ankeny Iowa, for providing a boost to the steady work days. We have a family coming next week to spend a week helping on the project and providing encouragement. As I said, we are grateful for the steady stream of visitors this spring and early summer, but this list has run out. Would you prayerfully consider gathering a group of your friends to come work on this project in Nebraska?

Although the rising prices have caused us to be below 100% support level, we learned long ago how to function OK. Please pray for our co-workers, Jimmy and Abby Stevenson, every time they gain more support, inflation seems to eat it up. They do have several churches at which they get to minister this summer. They have been disciplined with their finances to continue to make ends meet.
Our family remains steadily holding down the fort in Ohio. Ryanne continues to take Marcus to work with her. She is part-time with Baptist Church Planters as an administrative assistant. Riley and Daniel
(Ryanne’s husband) continue to work for a trim carpenter in their area. Marcus will turn one next month. How did that happen so fast? He is already walking. He brings a steady source of joy, as we video chat, watch pictures on our photo frame, and grab as many visits to Ohio as feasible. Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Howard enjoy spending time with him as well.

Planning our working Sabbatical has been a long process that we are only a 10th of the way through. We’d love your help! Please join our Facebook group (or contact us directly) with any information you would like to share with us about the areas that we are planning to go to. We are starting to plan out Missouri, Texas, Arizona, and California. Soon, we will add Chiliwack, BC, Canada, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado. If you follow our FB page Howards with ChurchCare Construction, as you scroll through the posts, you will see information about the group. As our faithful prayer partners, we ask that you pray that all the details of the trip would come together in such a way that God would be glorified, our missionaries, friends, and family would be encouraged, and Brent would be rejuvenated for the next 17 1/2 yrs, of ministry! 😉
I Corinthians 15:58 …be ye [steady], unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord… It has been a blessing to jump into the Kingdom Work here at temple. We’ve been able to do neighborhood canvassing, visitor welcoming, scripture reading, and Vacation Bible School helping among other ministries. We are steadily serving, are you?

Always abounding as we steadily work for the Lord,