Ministry Update
Scott and Marti Owen
Church Facilitation Director with a Conciliation and ITM Emphasis
Wellman, IA
Fall 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your generous investments, faithful prayers and gracious patience on our behalf. We had hoped to report sooner.
November is a slower month for us, so it is a great time to look back at the ministry and to thank you for praying!
September included a bit of traveling so Scott received medical counsel on his blood clot to ensure proper stewardship for long trips. We drove east to report at the BCP Council Meetings in Ohio. Then Scott flew west to California to encourage missionaries. This was his first trip the “Bay Area.” He had a fantastic time and was able to see the fruit of the work in Tracy, California as two men were baptized. The trip afforded the opportunity to see our son TJ in Boise, as well as to see our daughter Beth and her family in Denver.

Fall is retreat season and Scott was able to teach at three Iowa Leadership Journey Retreats. The retreats were smaller this year, so it gave opportunity to coach pastors with their men to be more intentional in their disciplemaking. Retreats are key to church facilitation. There are also weekly trainer meetings and coaching opportunities with the over 20 churches he facilitates.
October also included two opportunities that allowed us to stay with our daughter Joy and her family in Ankeny. The first was a new ministry developed by a local church designed to encourage collaboration of churches for revitalization and planting. Scott gave a short presentation on BCP’s desire to be a catalyst for these collaborations.

The next week we were part of the Global Reach missions conference at Faith Baptist Bible College. It was a great time to interact with college students, that were interested in missions. Scott was able to give a report to the students encouraging them to be involved with disciplemaking in their local churches now, so that
missions can be stronger in the future. We also helped our fellow BCP director Chip Woods (and Karen) host a reception for the students.
We were to be at a conference in Montana this week for reconciliation and coaching training. After evaluating our schedule, we decided to forgo the annual conference this year. Shortly after that decision, Scott got word that his 97-year-old mom was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas and liver. She has already met with hospice but is not bed ridden. She made a profession of faith in Jesus a few years ago (she was in her 80’s) and we are praying and talking with her to help her have a clear understanding that faith in Jesus is her hope.

Some prayer requests as we close out the year:
- For Marti as she leads a couple of Grove studies for women.
- For Scott as he leads some Leadership Journey studies with men.
- For churches without pastors. We are usually working with at least six churches desiring various levels of assistance.
- For the development and proper placement of interims to help churches in transition.
- The holidays are stressful times and tend to create issues in churches. Please pray for pastors and church leaders. Pray also that we will be able to help when appropriate.
- Scott taught the Relational Wisdom study to two churches recently. Please pray for future opportunities.
- Some Family requests:
o Scott’s Mom as she enters hospice.
o The arrival of our next grandchild (#8) in March.
o Three-year-old grandchild, Mattias (#6) broke his leg November 7.
Thanks for your faithful prayers!
Serving by His Grace,
Scott and Marti Owen