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Intentional Transitional Ministry was born out of a need for churches to eliminate obstacles to their Biblical unity and mission in order to be fully prepared to call their next pastor. An ITM pastor walks through the transition with the church, assisting not only in enduring the transition time but seeking to develop spiritual leaders through gospel outreach and discipleship.

The ITM (Intentional Transitional Ministries) fully launched in June of 2019 when Scott and Marti Owen (pictured top) were officially sent into full-time missions by CrossRoad Baptist Church of Ames, Iowa. Groundwork had already been done so another couple, Marty and Susan Basinger (pictured center), were ready to join as ITM missionaries later that fall. To date, the two couples have provided interim work for five churches. This is a tribute to God’s grace in that both couples had to work on raising financial support while serving needy churches.
The ITM is expanding to help churches through part-time ITM interims willing to collaborate with BCP to help churches in their geographical location. We recently added Dean and Faith Taylor (pictured bottom) as an ITM Interim couple to help in the Des Moines, Iowa, area.
We are often working with churches who cannot afford an ITM interim, so we are creating scholarship funds to offset those expenses. Should the Lord lay it on your heart to partner with these couples, gifts can be given to the ITM ministry. Please visit to gift the ministry or a specific couple. For more information on ITM, please visit