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Ministry Update – Jimmy and Abby Stevenson

By June 28, 2024No Comments

Ministry Update

Jimmy and Abby Stevenson

ChurchCare Construction, Lincoln, NE

Summer 2024

Blessings to you, our faithful partners in ministry! Though the whirlwind of ministries and travels have delayed this newsletter, I am so glad to get it typed up and to share what God has been doing! Each day is filled with an abundance of life and grace-filled chaos as we seek to be faithful in being your hands and feet for Christ.

Family Update

Earlier this June we enjoyed VBS here at Temple Baptist Church in Lincoln, NE. Paul loved his first official attendance of VBS and was rather sad when all the décor came down and it was no longer VBS each day we went into the church building.

We celebrated Paul’s third birthday on the 16th of June. He loves all things farming and construction and can name most types of equipment that he sees.  Leroy loves to walk, run and climb. His smile brightens each day, even though the process of growing the teeth that fills his grin may be tiresome. Stealing a toy from his brother and running away with a giggle is one of his favorite pastimes…Paul’s not so much.

Leroy took his part of VBS ministry quite seriously as he stayed with Mama and entertained the crowds during prize table time, as well as sweeping up after everyone in the fellowship hall.

“I will read here; I will read there; I will read everywhere!”

Construction Update

The physical construction of the building continues to progress along nicely!  One aspect I love most about this ministry is the interacting we get to do with others while on the jobsite. An immense thank you to the crews that came this spring and early summer from Calvary Baptist in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Grace Baptist in Canton, OH, and Ankeny Baptist Church in Ankeny, IA!

Next, we anticipate the arrival of the Weeks family as they come and join us for a time as well this summer. These crews, in addition to those from this church who have volunteered hundreds of man-hours, are an immense encouragement. Not to mention those who give to the providing of meals and many snacks! But now our list has run out, and we need more help.

Would you prayerfully consider gathering a group of your friends to come work on this project in Nebraska?

Titus (teen area) was finished in time for Vacation Bible School, and many other areas are nearing completion as each day we stay diligent in work. Work is currently happening in 2 Timothy and on the outside in preparation for the big elevator shaft and stairwell project.


  • The trailer A/C is keeping up with higher temps.

  • VBS ministry was very good! Around 55 children attended, and two kids claimed Christ as Savior!

  • We had safe travels to and from seeing Jimmy’s family in Pennsylvania.

Prayer Requests

  • Boys will grow to first love God and then love each other more than self.

  • Leroy has a cyst on his scalp that will need to be removed at some point. Doctor consult is coming up. Should be minor.

  • Wisdom and safety for Brent and Jimmy as they get ready to tackle the elevator shaft and staircase.

Abby's Corner

How are you adoring God today? Today I praise Him for His gracious provision on a way to escape sin! No matter how intense the battle or how long the struggle, God has given a way to run to Him, to come before His throne as we seek His help. Even in the darkest of times His truth does not change and is always offered to us. Oh, how this mama’s heart is comforted to know that my precious boys will have this same grace offered to them thru their lives.

Has the Lord laid on your heart the need to give today? Click on the link below.
Jimmy, Abby, Paul, and Leroy
Missionary Builders with ChurchCare Construction
Link to give page