Ministry Update
Jimmy and Abby Stevenson
ChurchCare Construction, Lincoln, NE
Winter 2024

Family Update
Blessed, humbled, encouraged, uplifted, overwhelmed, and covered in grace. All this and more describe the past few months. As many of you know, and our apologies to those who didn’t get the update, Leroy’s surgery originally scheduled for Nov 11th had to be delayed 4 weeks to Dec 10th due to a stomach bug. You, our partners, have beautifully displayed the love and compassion of Christ throughout this process. The prayers have been many and constant, which was so comforting as we trusted our baby to Gods hand of protection during surgery.

Checking in at the hospital

Just about ready to go back
Everything went perfectly and the surgeon was very pleased with how smooth the removal of the cyst went. Leroy is back to his crazy energetic wonderful self!

Waking up and getting food

Back to normal goofy self

Playing with nativity with brother

Feels normal
For Christmas we will be traveling east to Greenville, PA, to be with Jimmy’s family. Our prayers and thoughts go towards you all in this busy but blessed holiday season. Thank you for your love and support to us as we seek to be your hands and feet on the jobsite here in Lincoln, NE.