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Ministry Update – Roy and Karen Kinney

By February 14, 2025No Comments

Ministry Update

Roy and Karen Kinney

Pinecrest Baptist Church, Millbury, MA

February 14, 2025

Dear Prayer Partners,

Each update will now start with a “Did You Know?” section about our area or ministry.

-Worcester, MA once reigned as the Valentine Capital of the US. Esther Howland, born in Worcester in 1828, sold her handmade lace valentine cards from home growing it into the largest greeting card factory in the World, until  World War II caused paper shortages that put an end to the business. Her cards can still be seen at our local museum. So, if you are still searching for inspiration for your Valentine card you may find some there:) Happy Valentine’s Day!
-Recently in the news, the city of Worcester voted to become a ‘transgender sanctuary city’ in rebuke to Trumps gender policies – one of the first in the country to do so since he took office. “The resolution has no legally binding power but means the city is officially committed to refusing to cooperate with federal or out-of-state entities…”  making it the 4th week in a row that votes have been made to benefit that particular community.
Behold, what manner of LOVE the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God”  I John 3:1  We know and understand God’s love and continue to share in our needy area.
-Pray for Sarah who is due to deliver baby Ella on the 22nd. Liam, Sarah, and Wyatt are in our membership classes to join the church.
-We moved our Ladies’ event to next Saturday due to another storm coming through this weekend.
-The hospitals are overflowing with people with the flu. Some of our people are sick with differing illnesses.
-Roy’s sister, Nancy, as she battles stage 4 cancers and doing both chemo and radiation treatments.
-Safety in travel as I (Karen) go to Maine to be with family (around the next snow storm).
-Our next Business meeting is the 22nd and we will have more updates to share then. Stay tuned!

Thank you for your faithful prayers for the work here in Massachusetts.

Roy & Karen Kinney (Karen for the Crew)
Pinecrest Baptist Church
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