Ministry Update
Stephen and Janelle Jespersen
Grace Fellowship Church, Preston, ID
January 2025
Happy New Year!!!

Hello Prayer Partners!
We want to express our gratitude for your prayers and support this past year. Thank you for praying for the young man in our youth group that was missionary dating.
We have a huge praise! God has answered our prayers and he is no longer in that relationship. Continue to pray for his spiritual growth as well as wisdom for his parents.

We are excited to see what God has in store for our lives this year! As many of you know Jim Mitchell (Janelle’s Dad) has now stepped down from the position of lead elder and is working on transitioning with his wife, Janice, to another church revitalization work in Fullerton, NE. We will be hitting the road a few different times this year. We will be headed to California, some local churches, and a road trip taking us to the north east and south. If you would like us to connect with you or your church along the way we’d love to share what God continues to do here in Preston, ID!

We are excited to see our young adults group growing. Recently God has brought some new singles and young couples to our church. We are teaming with another couple in our church to host monthly events and start a Bible study with this age group. Please pray that we make deeper connections, encourage each other, and grow in the Gospel.