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Ministry Update – Stephen and Janelle Jespersen

By February 14, 2025No Comments

Ministry Update

Stephen and Janelle Jespersen

Grace Fellowship Church, Preston, ID

February 14, 2025

Follow Up!

John 10:26 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

Hello Prayer Partners!

Thank you for praying for us this past weekend!

Our travels were uneventful and mostly spent talking, singing, or listening to audio books to pass the time on our 6 hour drive.

The theme for the weekend was follow Christ based out of John 10:26. We discussed the “How” and “Why” in our small groups discussions.

The last challenge talked about how to choose godly friends.

I’m grateful for you leaning into this ministry and taking these burdens before our Heavenly Father!

Praise: Each of the teens were able to meet and make new friends.

Praise: God gave the leaders in our group many opportunities to connect and encourage our young people.

Pray: That God will continue to use this past weekend to cause growth in our youth group.

Thank you for praying,

Stephen and Janelle Jespersen
Associate Church Planters in Preston, ID
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