Ministry Update
Stephen and Janelle Jespersen
Grace Fellowship Church, Preston, ID
July 28, 2024
Camp Update!
We arrived home from camp last weekend after a busy but fun packed week! God worked in some amazing ways during the week including giving me the strength and patience to work as a camp counselor all week.

TJ Bowzer was our speaker for the week and spoke primarily from Hebrews 1:1-3 using this passage to tie into a clear gospel presentation on the last night of camp.

You can’t have camp without games. “Smashface” the game pictured here is something the kids would play during free time.

We saw many decisions made this week including one of my campers going into his senior year accepting Christ as his Savior!!! TJ Bowzer took the time to show how Old and New Testament are connected, relevant, and alive. In doing this he ignited an excitement in the hearts of the youth. Please pray that God will continue to increase the excitement in our teens to learn more about His Word and share it with others.