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Ministry Update – Stephen and Janelle Jespersen

By October 21, 2024No Comments

Ministry Update

Stephen and Janelle Jespersen

Grace Fellowship Church, Preston, ID

October 20, 2024


We safely arrived home after our trip from Idaho to Atlanta and back! We so enjoyed making new friends, visiting old friends, and attending several awesome churches along the way! We covered quite a bit of ground visiting family and friends in Iowa, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama in two weeks time.

Romans 12:4-5 “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” – What a blessing and encouragement many of you were to us along our journey. The unity of the body of Christ is evident and plays a vital role in our ministry in Preston Idaho.

Thank you for praying for safety on our journey! God answered your prayers and our vehicle was reliable the entire 5,000+ mile journey! Jess and Liam did so well despite several 15 hour days on the road.

It’s good to be home!

Snow has already started to fall in the mountains! Winter is on it’s way!

Liam & Jessa refuse to stop growing!

Ages 2 & 3 now they keep us going!


Just last night the youth group played it’s first live game of clue! It was so fun to see all the characters and observe the youth working together as teams to try and be the first to solve the game.

Thank you for praying,

Stephen and Janelle Jespersen
Associate Church Planters in Preston, ID
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