Ministry Update
Steve and Kristen Wynn
Associate Church Revitalizers, Smyrna, NY
October 2024

Hello Prayer Partners!
This past weekend we cut down the oldest, largest trees on our property. With each storm, limbs of increasing size were falling. Being so close to our home, other buildings, and where the kids play, we knew it was time. Our family is incredibly grateful for my dad, brother, and family friends (the Whiteheads). They ensured the process was done safely and with no damage or injury.
The trees came down quickly and with great force! Of course, the job isn’t done. Now begins the longer process of cutting up the trees into firewood for my folks’ furnace. After that, we will plant trees in the spring to bring new life to our hillside. Kristen and I think some red maple trees would be perfect!
While chopping up the trees, we realized how bad off they were – they were already dead! Both had died long before due to disease and infestation. We see in Ephesians 2 that we, too, were “dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked.” We were a danger to others and ourselves, bringing no glory to God but instead earning His wrath. We were dead in our core, our heart, with nothing we could do to change our sinful state. “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”
Praise God for His mercy and grace in Christ Jesus!

What’s in progress?
Thank you for your prayers for our family as we minister in churches in Central New York!
Our family has officially begun ministering at West Smyrna Baptist Church. Steve has been voted in as their missionary pastor and the church family approved our assisted transition plan on September 29. The church’s guiding purpose is:
with BCP assistance,
seeks to foster an environment of peace,
relationship building, and discipleship
during pastoral transition
so that we are ready to seek out and
be led by a new pastor.
Our sending church, Faith Baptist Tabernacle, also approved serving as WSBC’s accountability church on October 13.
Since that time, we’ve worked on the following:
- Fleshing out the plan. Phase one involves three steps: listening and learning, praying and peacemaking, synthesizing and planning. Phase two will be working out the plan developed in phase one.
- Steve has been meeting with the deacons and other church leaders, and conducting interviews with groups of members and regular attenders. The information gathered will inform our plan development.
- Steve is also coordinating the steering committee, and working out logistics for BCP Church Facilitation Director, Marty Basinger, to come to WSBC in mid-November to prepare for a season of prayer and conduct peacemaking training.
As the church building is ten minutes away, we will remain in our home and not stay in their parsonage. This has been a blessing, since it means more time ministering with less travel, fewer interruptions with homeschool, and the ability for the kids to complete their soccer season.

It was a blessing to be with Jon Jenks and Marty Basinger at First Baptist Church of Castle Creek during their consultation weekend. Pray for the members there, and Pastor Hartwig, as they enter a season of prayer to consider whether they would like to move forward in partnership with BCP.
On October 13, Jon Jenks and Steve met with a local church’s leaders for a consultation meeting. We shared our findings and asked if we had an accurate depiction of the church’s current health. The meeting went well, and the leaders appreciated their time with us. However, the church met this past Sunday and decided they would not move forward in partnership with BCP. We trust Christ, the Head of the church, to continue sanctifying His people, even if we will not be a part of that process. Continue praying for our local churches, especially those without pastors. Pray that they would be obedient to the Great Commission and be disciples of Christ who make disciples!
Steve has been collaborating with Jon Jenks and Ginny Sebok to develop teacher training materials and other discipleship tools. It has been exciting to be a part of this process!

Soccer season is complete! Both London’s and Calvin’s teams made it to the semi-finals. There was a parents versus kids game on October 19 for London’s team. Speaking of October 19, London had a great 13th birthday. The West Smyrna deacons were honored on Deacon Appreciation Day. The Faith Baptist youth group had their annual nerf night event with over 30 kids participating. Steve was blessed to be with Jon Jenks and Marty Basinger as they ministered at First Baptist Church of Castle Creek. Additionally, dear brother and fellow pastor Brian Cederquist and his wife visited during the weekend of Paul Brown’s ordination council. Kristen and Steve had a date night at the Columbus Public House.
Praise & Prayer Request List
- Praise God that our financial needs are met through the generous support of our nine partnering churches, one business, and 58 families!
- Praise God that London and Calvin are excelling in their homeschooling and that the soccer season ended well.
- Praise God for our new ministry at West Smyrna Baptist Church!
- Praise God for answering our prayers for Kristen’s mom, and that she continues to heal from her surgery.
Prayer Requests
- Wynn Family
- Pray for Steve and Kristen to be bold in proclaiming Christ, making disciples, and living above reproach. Pray for us to have wisdom and balance, in ministry and in our home.
- Pray for Kristen as she homeschools.
- Pray for London and Calvin to grow in their faith and be consistent in their devotions.
- Pray for London and Calvin to be diligent in their studies.
- Pray for London as she seeks to share the gospel with her friends. She’s been inviting them to youth group and having great conversations with them!
- Wynn Missions
- West Smyrna Baptist Church: Pray for Steve as he serves as their missionary pastor. Pray for the deacons to lead and serve well.
- WSBC: Pray for the church family to experience His peace (Phil. 4:6-9) and to build relationships and discipleship.
- WSBC: Pray for Steve, the deacons, and steering committee as we develop the phase two plan.
- Faith Baptist Tabernacle: Pray for The Timothy Initiative as we seek our next candidate for our pastoral residency. You can learn more about this new initiative on FBT’s website:
- FBT: Pray for our teens to grow in the Word and for our new youth group praise band.
- Constantia Center Baptist Church: We continue to pray for God to provide their next pastor! If you know of a potential pastor, I encourage you to view and share CCBC’s pastoral portfolio (click here to view a PDF copy).
- CCBC: Pray for the church leaders to serve the church well and for the advisory committee to be an encouragement to them.
- CCBC: Pray for their guest speakers over the next few months (many of whom are FBT members).
- Local Churches: Pray for sister churches who are currently without a pastor, including Calvary Baptist Church in Norwich, Smyrna Baptist Church, and West Smyrna Baptist Church.
- October 27: Preaching at Faith Baptist Tabernacle
- October 30: Zoom meeting with WSBC deacons, Steve, and Marty
- November 2: WSBC deacons meeting
- November 2: WSBC fellowship dinner
- November 3: Preaching at West Smyrna Baptist Church
- November 6: First Steering Committee Zoom meeting
- November 9: Dinner with WSBC Deacons and Marty Basinger
- November 10: Prayer Emphasis Sunday at WSBC with Marty Basinger
- November 13: Peacemaking Training at WSBC with Marty Basinger
- November 16: Season of Prayer Commences at WSBC (each Saturday for six weeks)
- November 17: Prayer Emphasis Sunday at WSBC with Marty Basinger