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Ministry Update – Steve and Kristen Wynn

By May 21, 2024No Comments

Ministry Update

Steve and Kristen Wynn

Constantia Center Baptist Church, Bernhard’s Bay

March & April 2024

Hello Prayer Partners!

I’ve named the last few weeks the time of “R” – Rest, Recharge, Rejuvenation, Relationships, Rejoicing, and Ramping Down.

Rest – Since transitioning away from Constantia Center Baptist as their on-site missionaries, our family has enjoyed some times of rest. Kristen and I enjoyed spending two nights in Syracuse at the end of April for a little getaway. London and Calvin have been enjoying time with their friends and being at Faith Baptist Tabernacle on Sundays.

Recharge – Kristen and I were blessed to be workshop speakers at the Northeast Fellowship’s Camp Recharge at Bayouca. We spoke on the topic of “Who am I?” – who we are in Christ and how His transforming grace impacts our current life and future.

Rejuvenation – I (Steve) have been blessed to attend a number of events directed towards pastors and ministry workers. J. Fischer (our pastor), Neil Shupp (Faith Baptist Tabernacle church member), and I traveled to Clark Summit University to hear D.A. Carson speak in early April. One of our partnering churches, Faith Baptist Church in Dundee, NY, invited me and Tim Weeks to join them at the Basics Conference at Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. It was incredible to hear Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, and other speakers share from 1 & 2 Timothy and more.

Relationships – In the process of traveling, I have been able to reconnect with a former college-mate and even a parent of students I taught at Emmanuel Christian Academy in Ohio. I’ve been able to speak with many pastors and ministry workers that I haven’t seen in years. Our family attended Jeff and Vicky Witzigman’s retirement party. They are members at Constantia Center Baptist Church. It was wonderful to see many of the church family members and celebrate with the Witzigmans on this new chapter of their life.

Rejoicing – For the third newsletter in a row, we have experienced 9% growth in our partner raising! We rejoice in being above 84% – all praise to Him! We have a new church partnering with us – Central Baptist in Binghamton, along with more families and a business. Additionally, a church family in Ohio made a one-time gift of $12,500 to our ministry account! God has been incredibly kind towards our family. It is humbling to be in ministry and see Him meet our needs.

Ramping Down – The kids (and let’s be honest, Kristen too!) are excited as they count down the remaining weeks of school! One of the benefits of homeschooling is that we began earlier than the local schools and skipped many of the breaks along the way. This means our last day of school will be May 31. As well, ever present on my mind is the end date for my ministry as Associate Pastor at our sending church, Faith Baptist Tabernacle. When we began serving at CCBC almost two years ago, we were able to launch into full-time ministry because they took me on as a part-time pastor. That employment will end July 31 and then we will be full-time in ministry (albeit the exact details and timeline are still a work in progress). With that said, much of my time is divided between pastoral ministry at FBT and partner raising, with some projects on the side.

We hope you enjoy the images below. Join us in praising the Lord for His goodness to His church and His servants!

Calvin completed his birthday celebrations with my family and a group of friends. Additionally, our homeschool bookclub gathered to watch the solar eclipse and talk about our latest book – Fahrenheit 451.

We celebrated with Marge (FBT church member) and Wendell Rose during their wedding on April 6. Our family worshiped with Faith Bible Church of Oxford, NY on April 28 and provided a ministry update during their Sunday School. Calvin has enjoyed being home more on the weekends. He built himself a throne with extra blocks around the house. Kristen and I enjoyed a little getaway in Syracuse. We continue to meet with Ryan and Sarah weekly for their premarital counseling. They are excited for their wedding in August!

Camp Recharge was exciting! Glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, outdoor games, great messages on the life of Joseph, and more. We had the largest youth group at the event and ended up winning dodgeball and the night game. Not a surprise, since two of the youth leaders are very competitive (J. and Steve). Kristen and I were speakers for one of the workshop sessions.

J., Neil, and I enjoyed hearing D.A. Carson speak in PA! We took an impromptu field trip to Howe’s Caverns with our good friends the Mediemas! On Mother’s Day, FBT hosted our fifth annual Muffin Mayhem! We brought this muffin cooking competition with us when we moved to New York. It began in our Adult Bible Fellowship at Grace Baptist Church in Cedarville. Lisa Mediema won, again!, with her pumpkin chocolate chip muffin. Leah won the coloring competition and walked away with a “Gingy” stuffed toy. During the event, when we weren’t eating delicious muffins, we were offering thanksgivings to God for how He is working in our lives and producing the “one anothers.” Many members shared accounts of how church members lived out these commands over the past year.

The Basics Conference was incredible! I am so thankful for Faith Baptist Church in Dundee inviting me to come (and covering all expenses!). I was able to reconnect with old friends, hear incredible speakers, and spend time with fellow pastors and missionaries. You can listen to the main conference sessions on the church’s YouTube channel by clicking here:

Thank you again to all who have joined us in our ministry by supporting us financially and in prayer. We rejoice that we have reached 84% of our long-term goal! This is a growth of 9% from our last newsletter!

If you are interested in partnering with us, or you know of a church or family who may desire to, you can check out our website for more information or reach out to schedule a meeting with us to learn more.

Praise & Prayer Request List


  • Join us in praising God for our 51 partnering families and one partnering business!
  • Praise God for our eight partnering churches – Central Baptist Church, Constantia Center Baptist Church, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Faith Baptist Church, Faith Baptist Tabernacle, Faith Bible Church, Smyrna Baptist Church, and West Smyrna Baptist Church.
  • Praise God for four churches considering partnership with us – Grace Baptist Church in Cedarville, OH, First Baptist Church in Earlville, NY, The Christian Church of Rural Grove in Sprakers, NY, and Faith Baptist Church in Oxford, MI.
  • Praise God for the church families of CCBC and FBT. They have been so kind to us, especially as we’ve transitioned from CCBC. Many encouraging phone calls, texts, and conversations!
  • Praise God for Kristen and the group of women at FBT completing the Grove Study.

Prayer Requests

  • Wynn Family
    • Pray for our family as we homeschool.
    • Pray for us as we prepare for our pastoral ministry to end at Faith Baptist Tabernacle in August.
    • Pray for new families and churches to join our ministry team in partnership.
    • Pray for Steve to connect and schedule church and family presentations in the months ahead.
  • Constantia Center Baptist Church
    • We continue to pray for God to provide their next pastor and wait in eager anticipation for our prayers to be answered! If you know of a potential pastor, I encourage you to view and share CCBC’s pastoral portfolio (click here to view a PDF copy).
    • Pray for the church leaders to serve the church well and for the advisory committee to be an encouragement to them.
    • Pray for the members to be bold in proclaiming Christ and for their faith in Christ to produce good works.
    • Pray for the advisory committee (includes leaders from FBT and BCP) as they seek to encourage the deacons!
    • Pray for the church to be intentional in their discipleship.
    • Pray for their upcoming guest speakers over the next few months (many of whom are FBT members!).
  • Faith Baptist Tabernacle
    • Pray for the newly commissioned Timothy Committee as we seek our next candidate for our pastoral residency. You can learn more about this new initiative on FBT’s website:
    • Pray for our small groups, discipleship groups, and children’s ministries, and that more families will participate in them.
    • Pray for J. and Steve as they partner together to minister at FBT.
    • Pray for the leadership and members of the church as they seek to boldly proclaim Christ, live out the “one another” commands, and be intentional in discipling disciplers.
    • Pray for Ryan and Sarah as they prepare for their wedding in August.


  • May 26: Ministry Update at Smyrna Baptist Church
  • May 29: Zoo Trip for Kristen’s Birthday
  • June 7-8: Combined Teen Event with Faith Bible Church in Oxford, NY
  • June 9: Ministry Update at West Smyrna Baptist Church
  • June 9: Our 17th Wedding Anniversary!
  • June 23: Last Sunday Night Kids and Youth Group at FBT
  • June 30: Guest Speaking at CCBC
  • July 4 – Fireworks at FBT
  • August 10: FBT Wedding – Ryan & Sarah

Our mission statement: Through the grace of God and His word, the redemptive works of Christ, and the sanctifying efforts of the Holy Spirit, we encourage and equip the body of Christ in order to ensure its members, both near and far, are enduring in the lifelong work of glorifying God and discipling faithful men and women who will be entrusted to continue this work until our Lord and Savior returns.

We are passionate for the local church. We desire to see churches disciple their members to grow in adoring Him, loving one another, sharing the hope of the gospel, and living transformed lives. You can learn more about partnering with us on our website:

Thank you,

Steve and Kristen Wynn
Colossians 1:28-29
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