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Ministry Update – Tim and Susan Heinrich

By June 10, 2024No Comments

Ministry Update

Tim and Susan Heinrich

Crossroads Baptist Church, Tracy, CA

May 2024

Overheard and Quotable

That’s what our youth leader said to a room full of Middle School boys last week. We had just received word that one of the boys, SB, was being moved from the foster home of a family in our church where he has lived for the past year. The boys were devastated. And they went to their knees in prayer. It was an overwhelming experience to hear those young men pour out their hearts to God in adoration of his sovereignty while pleading for their friend. He was to be baptized the following week, so everyone canceled their plans and we had an impromptu baptism service. And the church committed to fasting and praying. In a miracle turn of events, that can only be explained by the hand of God, Tim and Susan were able to be emergency licensed as foster parents in less than 24 hours. Instead of being taken away to a group home, he moved into our home until the licensing situation for his foster parents can be resolved. Those of you who know the foster care system know that an application like this normally takes weeks or months. We are continuing to pray that he can return to his foster parents quickly. But, until then, we have a 14 year old boy living in our house.

That’s what people were saying at church on Sunday when they saw how God had worked.

God has worked in amazing ways to save several young men recently. They all come from homes with unsaved wives or mothers. Tradition says that if you reach the man you reach the family, but we have not found that to be the case in our postmodern-feminist culture. The ladies of Crossroads have committed to praying daily for these ladies’ salvation.

Jim’s wife Joanna has been vehemently opposed to anything related to church. Yet, last Sunday she surprised us by showing up for SB’s baptism. Then this Sunday, she surprised us by showing up for church. And then she came to the church picnic and baptism service on Memorial Day and seemed to really enjoy talking to all of us.

Zach’s mom Windi has strong opinions on what Christians are like. She continues to be surprised when we do not fit her stereotype.  She has been more friendly and open recently.

Mike’s wife Tami has a front row seat as her 16 year old son got saved by reading the bible and asking questions of a Christian friend. He is passionately praying for her salvation. She and her whole family showed up to see him baptized.

Mateo’s mom Danita has brought him to Wednesday nights at Crossroads since he was little. She has watched his spiritual interest grow and came to see him baptized.

Brett has been reading his Bible and searching for answers. He recently got saved and is trying to help his wife Marie understand salvation by grace.

Mike and Brett have both commented that they didn’t know what they were looking for as they searched the scriptures and searched the internet. But, when they walked through the doors of our little building, they found a family that they didn’t know was possible.

I had so many questions, and they had answers.

Zach wanted to understand the Bible. When he met Jacob at Fed Ex and found out he was a Christian, he started asking questions. Jacob took him to scripture and was able to answer his questions and lead him to the Lord.

Armani met Safari while working at Fed Ex and had a similar experience. He had so many questions and Safari had the answers. Praise God for his salvation last week.

Yes, there’s a revival happening among GenZs at our local Fed Ex warehouse.

This time last year, we had some services that were so sparsely attended we wondered if Crossroads was viable. But we knew we had a community that needed Jesus.

This year, we are packing the building on Sundays and had a huge turnout for our Memorial Day baptism and picnic. Almost weekly we are seeing visitors, salvations and requests for baptism or membership. God has made it clear that there is still much work to be done in this city.

We are preparing for Jungle Journey Vacation Bible School July 8-12. Please pray with us for SIX new families that will make Crossroads their home.

Why SIX?? The mass exodus was 15 families. Since then God has brought us 10 new families. Will you join us in praying for SIX new families this summer that will take us to MORE than we were at the height of our attendance? Then pray with us that God will continue to expand our borders and allow us to see a multicultural, multi-lingual body of believers established at our Crossroads.

In another crazy turn of events, that seems to be how the Heinrich family rolls, by July, all of our children will be living and working in Tracy.

Janae is moving back and teaching at West High School.

Samantha is continuing to live in Tracy and is buying out our portion of the home we have been sharing.

Alyssa and Zac will also be living in Tracy, and Alyssa will be teaching at George Kelley Elementary School.

Talitha is home for the summer and potentially doing classes from home this fall, before returning to CBU to graduate next spring.

SB is living with us until further notice.
And we bought a house to move into next week.

Why are you in such a hurry to buy a house??
We knew that we needed to start looking for a house to buy, as we are moving out of Samantha’s house. But, we weren’t on a tight schedule, we were just starting to look. But, Susan was looking with a passion. No one at church or at home understood why she was in such a hurry to find a house. Quite honestly, they were kind of annoyed with her persistence. She couldn’t explain it either, but she was on a mission. But, as the situation unfolded this week, we realized that God provided a place for everyone in our family to live AND a place for SB to stay as long as needed. And we move into it this weekend. As always, God’s timing is perfect. Pray with us for our new neighborhood and the people that will be coming through our doors.

New address as of 6/1/24

955 Christy Ct

Tracy, CA 95376

Tim and Susan Heinrich

Church Planting
Crossroads Baptist Church, Tracy, CA
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