Ministry Update
Wayne and Shanna Dale
Grace Baptist Church, Scottsdale, AZ
December 2024/January 2025

Pictures: Top Left: 7 Baptisms. Top Right: Merry Christmas. Bottom Left: College age ministry. Bottom Right: Good News Bible Club.

We praise God for the blessing of His Son Jesus at Christmas. We are grateful for many blessings that God has permitted here at Grace Baptist Church. In November we saw 7 people obey Jesus in Believer’s Baptism and a new family join the church. Only God deserves the glory! We also began a college student ministry with a service on Sunday afternoons. We had a few students but with holidays and exams, we decided to delay and wait until after the New Year. We also have seen about 3-4 kids attend the Good News Bible Club. We are grateful for God bringing the kids. Please pray as we will need more workers as one helper ended up moving to California.
November also brought increased insurance premiums. After our oldest was in an accident, the girls both had small parking lot dents and Wayne was hit from behind on the highway. In our haste to get a used vehicle to replace the totaled vehicle, we ended up getting a vehicle that after only a month of owning it, spun a rod bearing and needed a new engine. We had already put some money in it and decided to accept the loss and sold it cheaply to the mechanic. Thank you for your prayers for us, especially as we drive on these busy roads.

Pictures: Top Left: Thanksgiving with friends. Top Right: Shanna’s English students, Bottom Left: Caroling to seniors. Bottom Right: Our oldest member.
We had about 25 people in our home for Thanksgiving representing 11 countries. Shanna invited students that are learning English from various Latin American countries. Claire’s friend’s parents, who are from Korea, brought us some coveted Korean pears. While we had some traditional dishes, we also had some diverse ethnic dishes for the experimentation of the palate. We enjoyed a blessed time together and are grateful for the people that God brings into our lives.
During December, a small group from the church was able to sing to shut ins and seniors from the church. We even visited a young man who was discouraged after an accident and surgery. We also participated in our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange. We had a few new families attend and a fun time was had by all. Our candlelight Christmas service was held on the 22nd and it was a blessing to sing carols, read scriptures that prophesied of Jesus, and celebrate as a church family.
Prayer Requests and Praises
Prayer Requests
- 3-4 more young couples
- Finances for new vehicle
- International College ministry
- Good News Bible Outreach
- Increase in families attending
- Self Sufficient in 2025
- Safety in travelling on highways
- Church as priority for members
- New believers in 2025
- 7 Baptisms
- Faithfulness to Bible studies
- Fellowship of believers
- Cards and birthday celebrations
- New Contacts at church
- Answered prayer for safety
- Future outreach ministries
- Growing children and parents

Pictures: Christmas dinner party and gift exchange with invited guests.
Thank you again for praying for us. It is a blessing to serve and see God working through your prayers providentially. Worship the Savior this Christmas and have a Happy New Year! We thank God for each of you and for your contribution to this ministry!
Wayne, Shanna, Rylee, Gloria, Claire, and Simon Dale