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Ministry Update – Wayne and Shanna Dale

By February 25, 2025No Comments

Ministry Update

Wayne and Shanna Dale

Grace Baptist Church, Scottsdale, AZ

February 2025

Dear Family and Friends,

We thank God for each of you and for how He has brought you into our lives. This year we will be celebrating our 25th year with Baptist Church Planters. We have been involved with 5 church plants and connected with multiple other churches throughout this time. This year the church decided to try to take us on full-time and by faith, we accepted. We have been here 7 years and believe this is where God is calling us to stay to serve. This will be our last year with Baptist Church Planters.

We want to let our supporting churches and individuals know as soon as possible so that next year in 2026, you can support new missionaries. We value the relationships we have built with our supporting churches and pray they will continue even after the financial support has ended. We have included information at the bottom from Baptist Church Planters regarding giving through 2025. If churches and individuals would like to stay connected we can continue to send out updates. We look forward to inviting guests from the churches to speak or visit and we ask that you continue to pray for us and the ministry. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

This year, we have a few major projects. Our auditorium roof needs to be reshingled because it leaks when we have rain. Estimates to repair it has been about $25K. We also need to paint the exterior of our buildings to update and refresh the appearance. Another plan we have is to take a missions trip this year to continue to promote missions within our church family.

We are thankful to have our friend visit and work to replace flooring in our downstairs. We also were able to visit with a couple who have a new daughter. We also have lots of people visiting us in February and March. Please pray for the family as the kids are busy with classes and work. Pray they have discernment and balance with classes, work, and the need for godly friends. Pray for Shanna as Spring Training will be a busy time with teaching English. Pray for Wayne as he takes care of maintenance of vehicles and the house, caring for family and the church, takes classes, and continues to connect with people who need Jesus as their personal Savior.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support,

Wayne, Shanna, Rylee, Gloria, Claire, & Simon

Ephesians 2:10

623 523-4825

Praises and Prayer Requests


  • Church is taking a step of faith

  • Simon is over long illness

  • Kids doing well in classes

  • Fellowship & outreach events

  • Neighborhood canvassing

  • College ministry starting up

  • Friend visited and replaced flooring in half our house

  • Men’s Bible study has faithful attenders

Prayer Requests

  • Church roof needs replaced

  • Faithful attendance and giving

  • Numeric growth

  • We will be having lots of visitors in February & March

  • Members who need jobs

  • Failing health of some older members

  • Future retirement savings

  • Safety for family travelling to College at ASU

Faithful Partners,

The coming transition for the Dale family is an encouragement to us at the Mission as we praise the Lord for the health and strength of a local church body who desires and can wholly care for their Missionary Pastor and his family. We rejoice with them and you as God moves and provides. He is faithful!

Baptist Church Planters will continue to receive and process support for Wayne and Shanna through the entire calendar year of 2025. Once the next year starts, any additional gifts received will be returned to the giver. We will send an additional letter with a reminder of the adjustment to all supporters later this year. In the meantime, if you have any questions about support now or in the coming year, please do not hesitate to contact me ( or call the Service Center 440-748-1677.

While financial support needs are changing, prayer support needs continue, and we trust you will continue to partner with the Dales and the work God in doing in and through them. We at the Mission look forward to continued ministry together, and we continue to praise the Lord for what He is and will do in Scottsdale, AZ.

In His service,

Eric Wilmeth

Executive Vice-President, Baptist Church Planters


Office 440-748-1677