God works in truly great ways! We have seen His blessings on our family as we have grown from a family of six, to now having 4 grand children with one on the way! We have one wedding coming up in October of this year with Sharon to her fiancé Chris. They both serve in Iraq as civilian contractors and they both work with UAV’s. Crystal our oldest is in Wyoming with her husband and two boys, Bobby is in Florida with his wife and son, and Cheryl with our only granddaughter is in PA. Didn’t think I would ever be this old! But grand kids are great!
God has been working in our midst at Riverview Baptist Church as well. We have seen growth in both directions, both up and down. In the traditional sense, down is not usually considered growth, however, sometimes you have lose some in order to begin to grow again. We have seen people leave the church for one reason or another, but new ones come almost as soon as old ones leave. I think the only connection there is God!
When we came originally to New Milford, we came to revitalize this work, but I believe it is more of a replant than a revitalization work. We have started almost completely from scratch. Our original core is very small, however, we have seen five people join the church in the last 6 months or so. We have seen children saved in our AWANA program and several young adults saved as well.
As missionaries coming into a situation like this, we had to ask the question whether or not we could convince some of the former members to return to the church. The answer became obvious. Those who were working in the church previously, who have gone to other churches, are already entrenched in their new ministries. Those who were nominal Christians, are simply not going anywhere and don’t want to come back. And those who were spiritually injured through the process of the destruction of the church simply will not return. Thus, we are replanting this church.
In the process, we changed the name of the church from Bible Baptist Church to Riverview Baptist Church. We changed the constitution to bring it back to a Baptistic constitution. We repaired the roof on the main building by BCP’s Builders. The sign in the front of the building was repainted. We removed the carpet in the lobby and painted an epoxy paint on the concrete floor, which gives it a “river” look. Then we painted the entire lobby area and created a dynamic effect around the cross, which before was by itself on the wall as you walk in. All this (except the roof) was done to change as much as we could to get people to forget what took place there before. (Psychological/spiritual warfare!) Hopefully, some healing can come through it.