Ministry Update
Bob and Penny Toomer
Church Planters
Associate Church Planter
Grantville, Utah
Spring 2023
Toomers in Utah
Spring is in the air…finally! This has been a very cold and moist winter. Our 13-year drought has broken, as we have seen over 900 inches of snow in our mountains this winter season. Now the concerns are the flooding that will take place as the spring melt sets in. We are thankful for how the Lord has provided the much-needed moisture.

Mountain View
The church enjoyed a blessed Easter Sunday. There was a brunch with lots of good food and a special Resurrection Service. We had some visitors in attendance.
The adult Sunday School class has been going through a marriage and relationship study that seems to really hit home with many of our people. As we watch relationships and communication dwindle in this electronic age, it is important to focus on how to continue to strengthen our communication with people in our daily lives. The discussion time shows everyone sees the need in this.
An elderly lady in the church has prayed for years for her family to see the need for Christ in their lives and attend church. Over the past couple of months, her daughter, grandson, his wife and girls have begun to attend church with her. What an answer to prayer! Please pray for their salvation and spiritual growth.
Please pray for “D.” She is a single mom who is in need of a vehicle for her family. Also, she needs finances for some legal matters that need to be taken care of.
One couple in our church has been experiencing a lot of physical difficulties that are making it difficult to get out anymore. “S” is in pain and is very limited in moving around. “G” is committed to taking care of her, but she is requiring full-time care. Please pray for their encouragement and wisdom for us to help them out.
Please continue to pray for our building situation. The current building is adequate but there are limitations that make it difficult at times.
Our studies with “T” and “A” have been paused for a short time due to circumstances in their lives. Please pray for both of these ladies to continue to work through what has been shared from God’s Word and to see their need for a relationship with Christ.
Bob has a couple weekly Bible studies with various groups of men. Discipleship is an important part of the ministry here. It is our desire to equip others to continue to reach out and help others grow spiritually.
Summer Ministries
Please pray for wisdom for Bob, Pastor Ron, and Caleb as they get the summer calendar set up. Camps, horsemanship camps, conferences, trips, etc., are beginning to fill the weeks.
Prayer Requests
- “T” and “A”—salvation
- “D”—needs new vehicle for her family and finances for legal matters
- “G” and “S”—encouragement
- A building for the church
- Discipleship Bible studies
- Summer schedules
At the end of February, we had the opportunity to take a trip to Ecuador to visit the Bobby and Melissa Woodfin.
The trip started out with flight delays and two days in airports. Upon arrival, Bob began to experience swelling in his arm so went to the emergency room to see what was going on. Blood clots were discovered and he had to spend a couple days in the hospital to be monitored as he was put on medication to help dissolve these clots. Here we were in a third-world country and had many limitations in speaking Spanish. Bobby was a great blessing! He stayed at the hospital with Bob most of the time to be able to talk to the doctors and hospital personnel. It was a challenging situation but we are thankful for how God worked it all out.
After being released, we were able to proceed to Rio Bamba to see where the Woodfins were ministering. The Lord is blessing the work and outreach there. They are working on relationships with their landlord and a couple shop owners and are involved with a couple Bible studies.
They are busy with the homeschooling of three of the kids. They seem to be adjusting to life in Ecuador and are trying to learn Spanish.
Bethany and family are gearing up for the end of their stateside furlough (July). It has been fun having them close enough to visit and spending Christmas with them for the first time in nine years. The kids have enjoyed being here but are looking forward to going home as well.
Ben and family are still living close by. He works for a local contractor and is turning our yard into a little farm with chickens, garden, etc. We enjoy seeing their little ones daily.
Heidi is settled into life in Denver. She has a great job and is enjoying being involved in her church.