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Weekly praise and prayer – May 10

By May 11, 2023No Comments

Jon Jenks – May 19-20 – Consultation weekend with a church in MI
May 22-26 – Church Revitalization Seminar at Faith Baptist Bible College – teaching 5 sessions
Chip Wood – May 14 Calvary Baptist Oberlin, Ohio
May 21 first Baptist Church in Belmont, NY
June 11 Calvary Baptist in Oberlin, Ohio
Scott Owen – May 22-26 – Church Revitalization Seminar at Faith Baptist Bible College – teaching 3 sessions
May 28 Clear Lake Baptist Church, Clear Lake, IA
June 25-29 – representing BCP at GARBC National Conference in Salem, OR
LJ studies: St. Ansgar, IA; Northridge Baptist, Des Moines, IA; Temple Baptist, Charles City, IA
Tim Weeks – staying near home to be available when daughter Esther delivers her first baby
May 14, 21, 28 – Teaching Connection Hour at Kossuth Street Baptist
May 18 – Meet with leadership team at Trinity Baptist, Muncie, IN
May 19-20 – Consultation weekend with a church in MI
June 4 – Teaching Connection Hour at Kossuth Street Baptist
June 11 – July 9 – Interim pastor at Trinity Baptist – Muncie, IN

Marty and Susan Basinger – ITM pastor serving Grace Baptist Church in Laurel, MD
After passing the baton to the permanent pastor at Brown Street BC on March 19, the Lord has led us to Laurel, MD and Grace BC. to assist them in their time of transition. Our six week comprehensive began on April 30th, and will end on June 4th. This past Saturday the congregation entered into a five week season of prayer. This is an opportunity to pause and consider God’s greatness, and his presence during the transition process, and to discern His will for the church as they move forward.

The previous pastor and wife served faithfully for 6 years before moving to another ministry assignment. They were greatly loved, so the church needs closure before they can look with joy to the future, and embrace the next permanent pastor and wife.

The city of Laurel is tucked in between Washington DC and Baltimore, so it is a big harvest field. The church is the most ethnically diverse church we have served–white, black, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian and Indian believers.The previous pastor’s wife was Indian-American, so she connected well with the ladies.

Please pray for Susan and me and GBC during this six week period, that they remain unified, and hopeful for the future as they seek God’s will about the next step–either calling a permanent pastor or having us return for phase two, where I focus on the decline of the church, and Christ’s mission for His church.

Jim and Janice Mitchell – church planters serving Grace Fellowship Church in Preston, ID
We have had great attendance the last month with our lowest attendance at 113.  We are very thankful for at least a half a dozen unsaved folks that are regularly attending.  The real exciting news, however, is that we had a young woman profess Christ this weekend.  I mentioned previously that one family had some of their unbelieving adult children come to the Wild Game dinner unexpectedly.  One of the daughters is from out of town but she has been attending off and on since the dinner.  This weekend she had a good talk with her family and at the end of the service Sunday she told her Mom that she was trusting in Jesus as her Savior.  Please pray for Natalie that she would have a complete understanding of true salvation.

Wayne and Shanna Dale – church planters serving Grace Baptist Church in Scottsdale, AZ
May has arrived and life has been eventful.  Easter we had our annual breakfast and celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus with many guests and visitors.  We have followed up and a few have attended Bible studies and continue to attend services.  Part of our attendance also consists of those who live in Arizona half the year and head to another cooler state during the hot summer and fall months.  We will miss them but are grateful for their positive impact.  April has been filled with visits from the BCP president, a former pastor from a supporting church in IA, and a former church member.  Wayne has been spending time in discipleship, leading men’s Bible study, networking with various people, taking a class, and will be guiding a seminary intern this summer. Shanna has been leading a ladies’ Bible study, meeting with individuals, and also will be starting a younger ladies’ study.

April has been full of scheduled events for the kids including soccer, basketball, work, school concerts, piano recitals, birthday, and preparations for our daughter graduating in May. We are thankful for a young woman from church who has been able to motivate Simon and in 7 months has helped him excel and participate in his first recital at Northwest Baptist in Phoenix. He is also using his talent for ministry and plays offertory at church.

We are thankful for safety from God as we drive in a busy city that speeds along very quickly. The kids were on their way to school and were preserved from being in a major accident.  We are glad that our daughters enjoy one another’s company and were able to dress up for Spring Banquet.  We pray that God will continue to direct their lives. We were glad to score free Brewers and D-back tickets from Shanna’s work and caught up with a visiting former member.  Simon even made it on the Jumbotron!

Rylee finished up an Associate degree at Faith and will be working at camp in NH this summer and returning to Arizona State in the fall.  Gloria will attend Faith in the fall and Claire is finishing her junior year and hopes to get her license next month.  Simon will be finishing 5th grade this year. We are grateful to God for the strength and scheduling and pray for balance to keep up with the ministry and with our kids’ lives.  Thank you for praying and for assisting us in this endeavor.

Roy and Karen Kinney – church planters serving Pinecrest Baptist Church in Millbury, MA
April Wrap Up:
-Our outreach “Good Friday” service was well attended and very special with the congregation participating in singing and readings from the book of John.  In the past it has been hard to get people out for this and we usually celebrate on Wednesday.  It seemed the right year to move to Friday again.  It was a blessing.
-Resurrection Sunday brought good enough weather to have our “Sunrise” Service outside which we all enjoyed, followed by a breakfast headed up by the men.  We had more visitors on Friday than on Sunday for the services.
-Our home was full of family and Laurie B was able to join us again (she has not been in our home for 2 years due to her concerns about covid).
-We enjoyed attending the NRBFC Conference in Attleboro on the 13th and 14th.  So many faithful Pastors & Churches were represented.  It was nice to take Ken W with us for his very first conference.
-We celebrated family birthdays (Leroy turned 27 and his son, Ian, turned 5).
-Pastor & Sandy Shatney came to speak while we were away in Newport, RI for a week of vacation.  We enjoyed staying in the historic part of town, walking everywhere, and visiting many historical buildings and sites.

May Events:
-Sunday was Communion Sunday with a meal and quarterly business meeting.
-Mary Jane has knee surgery on the 12th and our church is her family who cares for her.
-Garden Party on the 13th at the home of Judy Kane.
-Sunday the 14th – honor our Mothers.
-Family celebrations – Caleb turns 25.  Kaia turns 9.  Declan turns 5.  Kyle & Amelia’s anniversary of 12 years!   

Steve and Kristen Wynn – associate church revitalizers serving Constantia Center Baptist Church in Bernhards Bay, NY
April felt like a major transitional month in the life of our ministry at Constantia Center Baptist. Leadership Journey ended early in the month, and the men shifted into meeting every two weeks for a less formal accountability time. Each of the men who took Leadership Journey are enjoying discipling others in various forms- as Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, etc. Steve was also able to hand off his role as a Sunday School teacher, which allows him more time to oversee all the Sunday School classes. He is close to wrapping up his sermon series on the “One-Anothers” and is looking forward to diving into the book of Titus this summer! A few other exciting things to note at CCBC:

  • Not only are we witness to spiritual growth within the body, we have also seen growth in numbers–last week we had to add chairs to the fellowship hall so that there were enough places for everyone to sit during the worship service. We are anticipating several new members in the next few months as well as a baptism or two!
  • The Pastoral Search Committee has received a couple applications so far, and is currently working through their processes with a potential candidate.
  • This coming Sunday, CCBC members will vote on a major renovation plan for the sanctuary. The room is in need of many repairs and modifications, as well as cosmetic changes (including a layout flip, chairs instead of pews, etc.)

Our prayer through all of these changes is that God will be glorified through each and every decision, and that the church body will remain unified. As we sit and reflect on this past month and all the things that Lord has done, we are truly in awe of his wonderful works and the grace he continues to lavish upon his people!

Rob and Beth Worthington – on medical sabbatical – currently living in Dundee, NY
After some time, I have some results to share. I had my second biopsy Monday, April 17th. I received the results two weeks ago. What I have, which is not as large as originally thought, is a soft tissue sarcoma. We are taking steps to begin treatment as soon as we are able. We are continuing to meet with doctors, and we are scheduling treatment with Hope4Cancer. We are praising the Lord that my health share program will cover the cost of 85% after my $2000 deductible for this year, which started on April 1st. We have already received enough funds to cover the deductible, plus an additional amount towards our 15% that we will have to pay.

The BCP administration, in agreement with my sending pastor, has placed us on a medical sabbatical effective immediately, to go at least through the end of August. This will free us from any ministry pressures or responsibilities so the primary focus can be upon regaining health.

We would also like to thank Faith Baptist Church in Dundee, NY, who have taken it upon themselves to take care of us during this time, providing an apartment at the church as well as much love and prayer on our behalf. They have a true servant’s heart!

We are trusting God for the results and His leading through all of this. I will also be happy to report on the results when we come back. Thank you for your love and prayers and concern for me as you walk through this with us.

Tim and Marsha Weeks – Church Facilitation Director with an emphasis on Missionary Care
Prayer Requests

  1. Please pray for us to refocus, rest and rejuvenate, during our staycation. During this time we are preparing for the traveling days ahead of us this summer.
  2. Please continue to  pray  that Marsha as well as the ladies in the Grove study will commit all of Psalm 103 to memory.
  3. Pray for the Heinrich’s serving in Tracy, CA. Crossroads Baptist Church certainly has their challenges ministering to the multi-ethnic community around them.
  4. Continued prayer for our family. Our youngest daughter, Esther is due to deliver her first baby (girl) any time now this month.


SALT (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly)

Mike Peck – Wellington, OH
Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers and encouragement. With the warmer weather, I am physically feeling stronger and better as my heart does not have to work quite as hard. The Lord is blessing the writing ministries as well as opening doors of opportunity for me to return to preaching. I have the privilege of hearing from some of the readers of my Daily Prescriptions, the House Call that I send to our retirees, as well as Karen’s Notes that publish every Wednesday. It is a privilege to minister His Word to so many and to hear back that their hearts are blessed!

Tom and Carol Phillips – Fredericksburg, VA
Here is an update from our trip to Chuuk and Guam.  We had taken a new antenna for the radio station along with a repaired transmitter.  After getting everything in place we turned on the power to discover that we had limited power so the signal was not going out.  Upon returning to the States and talking with the engineer who we get all our radio equipment from and explaining what had happened he spotted the problem.  He observed that there had to be a short in the antenna that was limiting the output.  The best solution was to replace the cable, replace the compressor and changing the line between the computer and the transmitter.  The parts have all been purchased and we are just waiting for the repair or the newer and more powerful transmitter.

We have made plans on returning to Chuuk the first week of September and then going on to the Philippines and meeting with Jade for their church’s anniversary and to hold a seminar with the pastors that we have known over several years.  Purchasing the airline tickets was a surprise.  The price had gone up over a thousand dollars.  I had enough miles to purchase one of the tickets using them and that reduced the total price a lot.

We will be continuing with downloading of programs and making a trip to see out last grandson graduate, visit supporters, attend the wedding of another grandson, and visit several friends that have supported us over the years.