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Ministry Update – Bob and Penny Toomer

By June 28, 2024No Comments

Ministry Update

Bob and Penny Toomer

Associate Church Planters, Grantsville, UT

Summer 2024

Toomers in Utah

Dear Praying Friends,

Summer is into full swing. The 100 degree days have begun.

We will begin by sharing a huge PRAISE: The Lord has graciously provided a new place for the church to meet. It is an event center that is allowing us to rent it on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. What a blessing! We have room to have a proper nursery and a children’s church/Sunday school room.

The old building was sufficient but we never knew if we would have the space for Sunday School or Children’s church and the nursery was finding some floor space in the corner somewhere. This truly made it challenging to provide for our youngsters. It was also an older building that always felt somewhat cluttered, dingy and dirty. We are praising Him for this new situation.

June was very busy with getting things ready to move over to the new facility. We have a Conex storage container on the church acreage that needed to be emptied and the stuff (chairs, pulpit, refrigerator, etc) moved to where it can now be used. We were able to unload the temporary trailer that we used every Sunday and set up our stuff in an extra storage room at the facility as well. It is so nice to have everything in one place again……finally.

Our first Sunday was Father’s day. We had a breakfast and a special service. Pastor Ron challenged the church with the new opportunities that being in this facility will bring. He stated that if the church is the same group next year at this time we are not doing what the Lord tells us to do….reaching out into our community and sharing
Christ. Please pray for us as we make some changes and are able to do more outreach.

July is the beginning of camp season. Our young people have been anxiously trying to do jobs to get money for camp so time has been spent working on projects that enable this. It’s neat to see their excitement. Please pray for their hearts to be attentive as they hear the teaching from the Word.

Please pray for Lyndsey. She is going to work at UtIBaca for the next 6 weeks. We have truly enjoyed watching her grown spiritually over the past couple of years and she has such a willing heart to be used wherever for the Lord.

Bob will head to camp July 28th for 3 weeks of horsemanship camp. He loves working with the kids and the kids LOVE the horses. Please pray that the campers will be open to hear the teaching from the Word and that Bob will adjust quickly to the altitude and activities in this heat.

Many of the Bible studies have stopped for the summer as everyone is busy with summer activities but Bob continues to meet with Justin and James on Tuesday nights. They enjoy the fellowship and studying around God’s Word. Justin and his wife, Kayla are moving to California on July 7th. We hate to see them go but the housing situation is just impossible for young couples right now. Please pray for them to find a good church and to continue to grow in the Lord.

We’ve asked for prayer for Jason. He is growing spiritually and really interested in having his family join him at church. His wife, Dani is beginning to soften and is letting Jason bring his 14 year old, Tyler to church with him. Please continue to pray for this family.

Family update

Melissa and Bobby are stateside right now as Bobby has 2 siblings getting married this summer. We were able to see them for 2 1/2 weeks and enjoyed our time with them. They are updating churches each weekend so are keeping very busy.

Heidi came home to spend time with the family while the Woodfins were here. It was great to have her home. The nieces and nephews love her.

Ben and Amber continue to do well. Levi and Blakely loved having the cousins here to play with.

Bethany and Matthew are doing well. Talitha graduated from 8th grade and is looking forward to high school.  Anna and Lukas did well in school this year and are enjoying their summer.

Bob had a recent cardiologist appointment and is doing exceptionally well. We are praising God for a good report.

We truly are thankful for your prayers and support. At times the progress seems to be slow but we know it is all in God’s time. Please continue to pray.


  • A new facility to meet
  • Jason growing in the Lord
  • Bob’s good doctor’s report

Prayer Requests

  • outreach into the community
  • Justin and Kayla – moving and finding a solid church home
  • Lyndsey- serving at camp
  • more witness and outreach opportunities

In Him,

Bob and Penny Toomer
Associate Church Planters
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