Ministry Update
Stephen and Janelle Jespersen
Grace Fellowship Church, Preston, ID
January 16, 2025
Keeping it short.

Hello Prayer Partners!
Psalm 139:14b “Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
I know this comes as no surprise to you, God is always at work! Janelle and I met with a young couple on Monday this week. They are new believers and are newly married.
We were able to listen to their miraculous testimony on how Christ has brought them out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The husband was generally non-religious and his wife grew up a devout Mormon. During their dating relationship they discussed religion hoping to influence each other out of their personal beliefs and through their “discussions” both came to Christ.
Praise God for the work He does!
God doesn’t need us (as evidenced above^^^) but often chooses to use us.
Praise: God continues to build His church.
Pray: That we will soon be able to start a Bible study with this young couple.