Ministry Update
Steve and Kristen Wynn
Associate Church Revitalizers, Smyrna, NY
December 2024

Hello Prayer Partners!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior and looking forward to His return! We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Christ this month for Advent at West Smyrna Baptist Church. Each Sunday we rejoiced in the themes of Advent: our Hope in Christ, the Peace of God we have received through Christ, our wild Joy in our Savior, and the Love of God.
It seems natural to reflect upon 2024 the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Kristen and I took time over dinner yesterday to discuss what went well this past year and what we’d like to work on. This timely conversation is resulting in our goals for 2025.
As you make plans for 2025, I hope part of your goal-making process includes spiritual growth. After the service on Sunday, I talked with a young lady who is planning to read through the Bible in a year. An excellent goal! There are many resources available to help us. We live in an incredible time in church history where we have resources online and in print. Let’s take advantage of them to grow in holiness! If you desire accountability to ensure you get past “Quitters Day” (the second Friday in January), be sure to connect with a church member and share your goal(s) with them.
A year from now, as we reflect upon 2025, may we note how we have walked closer to Jesus!

What’s in progress?
Thank you for your prayers as our family ministers at West Smyrna Baptist Church!
On December 8, the church family met and we shared the results of our interview process. Based on our findings, we have crafted our phase two plan which is comprised of four action plans. These action plans will be worked on until the end of February.
- Being One Body
- Peacemaking
- Decently & In Order
- Pastoral Search
A few of the plans have already begun whereas others will be kicked off in January. Each plan has implications for our sermon series, Sunday school lessons, deacons and membership meetings, and more. We will share more progress in January.

We had a number of exciting events as we celebrated Christ this Advent season. On the 22nd, our children performed in our Christmas play. We had a special candlelight Christmas Eve service. Each week during Advent, a church family lit the candles.

It was a blessing to be home for Christmas. Nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed! We celebrated with our family and friends.

Thank you for your partnership in 2024! It is a privilege to serve our Lord together. We give thanks for all He has accomplished this past year. We get a front row seat to the stories of lives being changed in Christ, the gospel going forth boldly, and His kingdom expanding! We are looking forward with great excitement for 2025!
Praise & Prayer Request List
- Praise God that our financial needs are met through the generous support of our nine partnering churches, one business, and 58 families!
- Praise God that London and Calvin are excelling in their homeschooling.
- Praise God for our ministry at West Smyrna Baptist Church!
- Praise God for answering our prayers for Kristen’s mom, and that she continues to heal from her surgery.
Prayer Requests
- Wynn Family
- Pray for Steve and Kristen to be bold in proclaiming Christ, making disciples, and living above reproach. Pray for us to have wisdom and balance, in ministry and in our home.
- Pray for Kristen as she homeschools.
- Pray for London and Calvin to grow in their faith and be consistent in their devotions.
- Pray for London and Calvin to be diligent in their studies.
- Pray for London as she seeks to share the gospel with her friends. She’s been inviting them to youth group and having great conversations with them.
- Wynn Missions
- West Smyrna Baptist Church: Pray for Steve as he serves as their missionary pastor. Pray for the deacons to lead and serve well.
- WSBC: Pray for the church family to experience His peace (Phil. 4:6-9) and to build relationships and discipleship.
- WSBC: Pray for Steve, the deacons, and steering committee as we work on the phase two plan.
- Faith Baptist Tabernacle: Pray for The Timothy Initiative as we seek our next candidate for our pastoral residency. You can learn more about this new initiative on FBT’s website:
- FBT: Pray for our teens to grow in the Word and for our new youth group praise band.
- Constantia Center Baptist Church: We continue to pray for God to provide their next pastor! If you know of a potential pastor, I encourage you to view and share CCBC’s pastoral portfolio (click here to view a PDF copy).
- CCBC: Pray for the church leaders to serve the church well and for the advisory committee to be an encouragement to them.
- CCBC: Pray for their guest speakers over the next few months (many of whom are FBT members).
- Local Churches: Pray for sister churches who are currently without a pastor, including Calvary Baptist Church in Norwich, Smyrna Baptist Church, and West Smyrna Baptist Church.
- BCP: Pray for Steve as he serves on the BCP Council. Pray for the Council and BCP leaders to have wisdom.
- BCP: Pray for Steve as he collaborates with BCP leaders to develop discipleship resources for churches.
- December 31 – FBT New Year’s Eve Game Night
- January 5 – WSBC Sunday School Breakfast
- January 5 – Beginning of new sermon series: Five Lessons from Galatians
- January 9 – FBT Timothy Initiative Committee Meeting
- January 12 – WSBC Church Meeting
- January 15 – WSBC Steering Committee Meeting
- January 18 – Deacons Meeting
- January 24 – Guest Speaker at Open Door Baptist Church’s Teen Winter Formal
- January 27 – CCBC Advisory Committee Meeting
- January 29 – WSBC Steering Committee Meeting
- January 31-February 2 – Teen Snow Camp
- February 16 – WSBC Church Meeting
Our Mission Statement:
Through the grace of God and His word, the redemptive works of Christ, and the sanctifying efforts of the Holy Spirit, we encourage and equip the body of Christ in order to ensure its members, both near and far, are enduring in the lifelong work of glorifying God and discipling faithful men and women who will be entrusted to continue this work until our Lord and Savior returns.
We are passionate for the local church. We desire to see churches disciple their members to grow in adoring Him, loving one another, sharing the hope of the gospel, and living transformed lives.