Ministry Update
Wayne and Shanna Dale
Grace Baptist Church, Scottsdale, AZ
May 2024

Thank you for your continued prayers and faithful support. Easter brought rain, but we had a good breakfast and a well-attended service as we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus. We are also grateful to Baptist Church Planters for a grant to pay for the AC units and help with building repairs. Praise God!
RETURN TO ROOTS: April a group from a supporting church in upstate New York came out to volunteer at a nearby Spanish speaking church to help build a playground. We were able to visit with the team and also visit with some of the adults who attended the same church that Wayne attended as a youth. We took them to a local Mexican grocery store and introduced them to pan dulce, tres leches and chicharrones. They also sampled fresh corn tortillas that were given straight from the conveyor. We also cooked them Korean food so they had a balanced international cuisine experience. We were encouraged to introduce them to the Phoenix area and to share new cultural experiences with them.
In April we returned to our sending church for a “Home Grown” missions conference. This is where we were married and served as young adults. It was a blessing to reconnect with friends who we have not seen in many years. We also met young people who we knew through their parents and sometimes grandparents. We are thankful for the faithfulness of believers who are continuing to serve over generations and continuing a biblical legacy. We were also encouraged to see new believers who were attending as well. We were able to take our two youngest children to the conference and were thankful for the privilege to reacquaint them with friends. The 3 hour time change affected us on Sunday, but we hope we were able to encourage our sending church despite our lack of sleep. They encouraged us with much hospitality, gifts and prayers.

Prayer Requests and Praises
Prayer Requests
- Color choices for church paint
- Continued building improvements
- Integrating people into ministry
- Need for more children’s workers
- Summer members absences
- Church roof shingles will need replaced
- Gloria Missions trip to Japan
- Unexpected financial costs
- BCP grant for AC units
- Good Easter attendance
- Ohio Missions Conference
- Growing Nursery
- Rylee missions trip in Brazil
- Missions team help this summer
- Claire graduation
- Wayne healing from infection
ALWAYS COMES IN 3’S I learned the adage, “trouble comes in 3’s” when I worked in the hospital. I do not think it is self-fulfilling but we had 3 events that might fit. Wayne was working in the yard and was bit by some unknown insect. In the desert, everything seems to be aggressive and bites or stings. Wayne had a small blister on the wrist in the afternoon, and the next morning his wrist became red and swollen with a streak spread across his forearm towards his ulna. We had a meeting with a Korean Pastor that day, so Wayne wore a long sleeve shirt and postponed an urgent care visit till later in the afternoon. Urgent care sent him to the ER because of an infection and he stayed overnight to receive antibiotics to prevent a blood infection and serious cellulitis. Thankfully after being sent home and receiving oral meds, he is on the mend.

However, during this time our sink also became clogged and water appeared under an exterior wall. After a week without a kitchen sink, a plumber was called and had to scope and water jet the drains. The bill was $1000 and may have been due to prior owners and years of grease and blockage. We are thankful it is fixed and are still unsure of why water leaked from the wall. The 3rd was news from the dentist that our youngest son’s canine teeth are going to require orthodontia to help provide them space. The IRS takes our money, the hospital takes our blood, and the dentist wants our teeth.
Good things come in threes too. We are thankful that Rylee has been serving in Brazil and will work at camp this summer. Gloria will complete her year at Faith and is going on a missions trip to Japan. Claire will graduate and travel with her friend for 3 weeks in Korea. Simon is finishing 6th grade and still practicing piano. Then in the fall we will have a full house with possibly more staying with us. Please pray as we seek to help our church grow and our family serve God faithfully.

Wayne, Shanna, Rylee, Gloria, Claire, and Simon Dale