Ministry Update
Wayne and Shanna Dale
Grace Baptist Church, Scottsdale, AZ
September 2024

Pictures: Top Left: Wayne and Shanna, Top Right: Aug Baby Shower, Bottom Left: Men’s and Ladies’ Study/dinner, Bottom Right: Natural Bridge excursion

The city is like a powerful ocean with a constant ebb and flow. There is continual movement as God takes people out and brings people in and we never know how long we have with them. We can either be crushed by the waves or learn to ride the current as it lifts us along. Sometimes I feel like a surfer not wanting to get pummeled by the next powerful wave. Summers are lower in attendance with members travelling for many weeks and it heightens my concerns for local church stability and progress. A dear young couple moved, and a family recently decided to find a church with more children for their girls. However, God brought another family that has some young adults. We also had a family of 3 visit last Sunday who just moved to the area. God will build His church.
We have 4 college students in our home. Rylee and Claire are in Engineering and Gloria is an English major with an emphasis in Linguistics and a minor in Japanese. We also have one Chinese student (not a spy) who was with us in high school before Covid. Pray for Ling as she has returned and claims to be Buddhist. Their schedules are complex, so we have a white board to track their class and work schedules. This has led us to partner with a friend to plan a ministry at our church for international college students from ASU and young professionals at church. We also have some young men who are busy taking graduate classes or looking for better positions.

Pictures: Top Right: Simon at Paul & Laura’s, Bottom Left: Pastor Dave Deleon, Bottom Right: Bible Baptist.
Simon and Wayne travelled back to New York state and Wayne spoke in 2 supporting churches. He was able to meet a new pastor of a church and visit with a wonderful church family. He visited with his sister and saw friends from the church where he grew up. Simon was able to fish and work in the rural country. Wayne was also able to spend time with a family who have been 2nd parents and visit the dad before he recently passed.
Life never ceases to be dull in our household. Between the constant vehicle repairs and house maintenance, there is also physical and financial maintenance. We are still a work in progress. Our youngest is testing us in both. First, he started wearing braces this summer. Next, he decided to place an unpopped popcorn kernel in his ear while he was sitting on the couch watching a movie. This is also the exact time the dog decides to have an “accident.” Wayne is the only one home and he cannot remove a round slippery object from the ear and knows the ER has no tools to do it either. As a dad you can either be overly frustrated by the things your young son does or you learn to “ride the wave.” I am a bit high strung and even after raising 3 others I was wondering, “Why?” Thankfully, God’s grace reminded me I had a friend who worked as an ENT Dr. and thankfully he answered a Sunday night text. He got me an appt for the following day with an associate and the kernel was extracted in his office. Children are expensive, I mean a treasure.
Prayer Requests and Praises
Prayer Requests
- Patience and wisdom in ministry
- Chinese student salvation
- International College ministry
- Good News Bible Outreach
- Increase in families attending
- Ministering to older Seniors
- Future Women’s ministry
- October Missions emphasis
- Faithfulness to Bible studies
- Another couple due in September
- Encouragement by visits in NY
- Faithfulness of young couples
- Our children serving in ministry
- Having Children at Home
- God’s daily care and protection
- Shanna & Wayne celebrated 25

It is a blessing to have all the kids home as they attend school. We love our children and pray that they will grow in wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual discernment. May God direct them to His path.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers as we ride these waves!
Wayne, Shanna, Rylee, Gloria, Claire, and Simon Dale